Nov 11, 2009

until January

*Kim, sorry this is probably not the picture you expected to see for your "sneak peek" but it went along with my post :) You'll see more soon. Oh my, can't get over Grace's curls. She is one lucky Shirley Temple. Both your girls are dolls.

Because of my schedule for the rest of the year, I'll be taking new appointments starting again January 11th. Thank you, those who have let friends and family know about me. I'll still be posting plenty of pictures coming up.

I am sad. Where does time go? I've been trying hard to train/trick myself to think I DON'T NEED sleep ~ it's over-rated! Yeah, that's not really working out. :)

I am very much enjoying all the photography fun, but have to make sure I leave enough time for all the holiday goodness coming up. I can't wait to curl up with my kids and read Christmas stories, eat lots of yummy junk, play games, get in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and most of all take time to reflect....reflect on a lot of things.
