There is something so sweet about little girls and their baby dolls. This morning Seb was in her room fully focused on her baby, so I talked her into putting this white dress on and away I went. I was sweating at the end! (not that unusual . ha) Because I stress, I guess, wanting to capture exactly what I vision....and it doesn't always go that smooth :) Anyway, I was so happy to get her at these moments.
Ya know when you have exactly what you want in mind and you're not sure you quite get it? Well, that happens to me a lot...but I try not to let it bug me. This one was a mix of mine and mom's ideas. I really thought the stormy day was cool, except for the wind was blowing strong in everyone's faces.
ps. This was done on a timer with a tri-pod. Joy. The little ones did alright for the circumstance. Anywho, I feel I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have all these people in my life - as my family. Love you, and sorry it took me so long to get this sneak peek up.
Had to put a few more on of this cute guy. So, with a few of these shots he really looks like he's smiling. How? He's an early one if they're real smiles. Or was it his gas? Either way he's sure got a good one. Oh I love this one. He is so pure and simple. And gotta love the extra glow from mom's kissy lip gloss :)
So I'm a little bummed I haven't made it to a canyon to really see the leaves change this year....but the other day I was waiting for a fam, and had my camera out. These aren't the most colorful, but I still loved just having one of those moments - soaking in the beauty and watching some of them fall in the wind. I just love the smell....everything about fall.
i don't know but I can never go to bed with images left on my memory cards - So, I start uploading....and then what....of coarse I start looking through them to see if I got those keepers....and then pull them into photoshop, and the addiction starts. It is now after 3! I cannot believe myself, but I can't sleep, so I figured out a plan, I'm just going to train myself to not need it anymore.
I remember as a kid with the disposable or film cameras - the second I was done taking the pictures, I would run them into be developed and the anxiously wait! My husband on the other hand, had rolls of film still undeveloped that we came across from 7 years ago :)
This was one of my favorites of the full group, and you are one wonderful group of people....I learned today that you're all dog lovers, like you even more Whew. Alright, we have them all squared away. Glad I stuck it and got one thing on my list done today :)
It's about time we felt a little crisp in our air :) gotta say one thing a long with this. candid is the best, all the way...with kids anyway (patient for the right moments) There are many times I try to "pose" my girls, and it never seems to work out. She sat and checked out this scarecrow for a good 5 minutes. Oh, I really love this girl, and really love this time of year!Here's a new creamier B&Wish. Ava was just in here while I was messin around with this pic, her comment- "it looks like it's all in sand or something"
And here's that first one (my favorite) in b&w Katie, I know we were supposed to get mostly the singles of your girls, but there are lots I love of them together too. It was a blast watching them. It gets me excited for my girls when they get to be that age...I hope they're as great of friends as yours.
So I wanted to get some pictures done of my hubby and I for our 5 year anniversary (uuhhh, back in February), but it never happened. While we took some extended family ones a weekend ago, my dad offered to snap a few of just us since the girls weren't cooperating....and I'm really glad he did. I had a bunch in my mind (in a different location) I'll save for next time. This is in Draper. I
I'm kind of embarrassed that I've lived in SG for almost 3 years now and didn't know a thing about this world event. I was lucky enough take pictures there for 4 of the days last week. Here's a few things I want to remember when/if I get to do it again next year:
1. Remember the spots you don't want to be in the long jump or high jump, it's easy to get those major crotch shots 2. Old people really are hilarious, especially those intense "racewalkers" 3. I am pretty anal when it comes to my photos....and they don't allow any editing, or cropping because we print and sale on the spot - directly after each event. Crazy! 4. There were a few moments where I thought, "ya know, doing housework and takin care of my kids isn't a bad job" 5. Michelle, you are the best for letting me borrow that honkin' sports lens! I loved shooting with that thing....and my hand was so sore after that first day. 6. Had never met such a group from Barbados, their were lots there, and they were so nice. 7. A lot of those cute folgs were determined and pushed it, and there were a few I wondered about. Didn't matter though as long as I was getting their good side in the photos ;) 8. I think I wanna be an athlete when I reach 50 or up...not much of one now, but really some of those events were so rad!
**** I'm waiting on getting a picture to plug in here. It's of me in action w/ an "official photographer" T-shirt holding that lens:) I feel like I bonded with that thing. (ps. I was kind of nervous too, being responsible for a lens that costs 4x more than my camera)