My thoughts tonight -
I've learned that searching for those "certain things" at the DI, Flea Markets, or any consignments doesn't get me far. It always seems that when I stop looking and just go with an open mind, I find a lot better things.
This led me to research vintage cameras more. Way interesting. My friend got me a book on Ansel Adams awhile ago that I've been loving reading through lately as well. Sometimes I really wish I had a dark room to process, and that my face wasn't stuck in a computer. That was one of my very favorite classes in high school, and I'm still kicking myself for not studying it in college. Yeah, it just doesn't feel as productive as film once was. Ya know?
With this vintage suitcase, I almost couldn't take it I felt so good about it. The guy selling it (just at a garage sale close by) told me the background of this cool piece. It was his dads and had been all over the world. Who would have thought it'd be in some random girls hands wanting to use it as a photography prop. Seen some similar, but not for 5 bucksies, and not a samsonite! I was giddy bringing these home, along with a few home decor items :) Man! I'm not going to let my husband talk down buying other peoples junk. I'll be up at 7 every Saturday scrounging the neighborhoods and flea market if that's what it takes to get me giddy. Totally kidding. He still makes me way more giddy.