Here's something kinda pretty to look at while I'm away I'll actually be up in SL half of April. Back and forth, n back and forth. I'm thinking it wasn't so smart of me to start so many projects this month. When I'm away from home, I'm forced to read a good book or something. rough. Anyway! Looking forward to seeing some of you soon! Fingers crossed the darn weather cooperates for us.
These shoots were so entertaining. I didn't have to do much to get so many fun ones.
Stace was so nice to lend her chicks to me for a night and a day. And I got to do about 5 shoots (a few mini's).... had to put some up for her. I think her kids are some of the most handsome little monkeys around! They've already got farmers tans too!? It's not even April ;) We (my girls really do) love these boys.
These sweeties were such a blast. I have so many to share, but for mommies excitement I'll get these up tonight, and let her wait till next week for more. Hayden has the rolliest little arms, I loved her chub, and getting her to laugh. Ohhho they are cute.
I did a whole bunch more chick pictures today. I will post some when I get back in town. Have a good weekend! Get some tasty fresh air if you can =)
It was one of those feeling really good days and my kids have barely whined at me the whole day, days. I finally got started on one project for the moment around the house. Well, I taped and sealed off the girls room to paint (that's a big step =) and I got some of my white canvases out to let the girls use their touch and put some of them in their room. I think it will be fun when it all comes together. Also, I set up in the garage and borrowed our friends baby chicks for some pics. I'll post one favorite for now This looks a little frightening, a 2 and 4 yr old with acrylic paints. They actually did great with it, and seriously sat there for over an hour working on them. I am in love with their finished pieces, can't wait to show you (I'll wait till they're on the wall)
Our eye doctor and good friend had me take pictures of this nice office of theirs. My favorite part about this place are the manican heads and the beaded wall.
(sorry, this doesn't have a thing to do with the pictures, just thought I'd throw in something kind of funny, and typical I think) It was a bit of a crazy morning - getting up at 6:00 on a Saturday, juggling around to trying to get our yard sale ready before the die hards got there, then as we were all settled, I ditched it because I was so excited to go shoot this office. The morning light was awesome. As I was leaving I shut the keys in my husbands trunk, woops, so I got to sit on the curb and wait a bit for a generous ride, while my husband tried to sale our stuff for way more than they were worth. lol. Not really, but sort of. (then by the end of the sale, it was "sure we'll go down in price, yep, even lower...just take it".
Like I've said before this is like my out, something I really really's hard to consider it work. Thanks Doc's and staff, you have a great team there at your office.
Oh my. This girl should be posing for the cover of Vogue. I was kind of in shock as I went through picking. I have been doing very little editing (just some sharpening and ya know a little a this - but barely did a thing to her. You don't have to believe me, I probably wouldn't. Unless you've seen her in person) How!? It's impossible to be this pretty. Thanks Ash! That was soooo fun. I love a soul who's not afraid of the camera. She brought a few outfit changes, but we ran out of time because the light left too soon.So, I guess we HAVE to go shoot some more =) I LOVED the light at the end. Thank you, thank you beautiful sun
He is the sweetest little guy. I kinda wanted to take him home with me. I'm not sure what it is but the last few newborns I've done have NOT gone to sleep. Well, one I ended up coming right back because the mom called after I left and said he conked about 10 minutes after I left. (after a good 3 1/2 hrs of trying) shoot. That's just the way it goes
This one's 2 weeks old and the temperature was warm, he was fed, dry....
They sense my camera, I swear. I feel like we still got some really sweet & pure ones. Here are some of my favorites
My thoughts tonight - I've learned that searching for those "certain things" at the DI, Flea Markets, or any consignments doesn't get me far. It always seems that when I stop looking and just go with an open mind, I find a lot better things. This led me to research vintage cameras more. Way interesting. My friend got me a book on Ansel Adams awhile ago that I've been loving reading through lately as well. Sometimes I really wish I had a dark room to process, and that my face wasn't stuck in a computer. That was one of my very favorite classes in high school, and I'm still kicking myself for not studying it in college. Yeah, it just doesn't feel as productive as film once was. Ya know? With this vintage suitcase, I almost couldn't take it I felt so good about it. The guy selling it (just at a garage sale close by) told me the background of this cool piece. It was his dads and had been all over the world. Who would have thought it'd be in some random girls hands wanting to use it as a photography prop. Seen some similar, but not for 5 bucksies, and not a samsonite! I was giddy bringing these home, along with a few home decor items :) Man! I'm not going to let my husband talk down buying other peoples junk. I'll be up at 7 every Saturday scrounging the neighborhoods and flea market if that's what it takes to get me giddy. Totally kidding. He still makes me way more giddy.